Formed in 1965 by the World Candlepin Bowling Council to honor
the many people who in someway helped
to advance the game of Candlepin Bowling.
The Hall of Fame currently has 161 inductees in four categories
Included with the bowlers is their biography written at the
time they were inducted into the Hall of Fame.
Follow these links for a
complete listing of Hall of Fame members

25th Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies
The Hall of Fame committee has scheduled the next Induction Dinner for
October 2014,
all applications should be submitted prior to March 1st 2014 for
consideration. If you know a potential candidate please contact the Managing
Director for more information. A minimum age of 50 must be reached by the
date of the induction ceremonies before any consideration will be given.

2011 Hall of Fame Inductees
Competitive Ability
Paul Berger
Al Joy
Bob Kelly
Rosario Lechiara
Bob Shepard
Joseph Tavernese
Nance Vestal
Extraordinary Service
Contribution to the Game
Ralph Semb
President's Cup
Joan Yamilkoski
Stasia Czernicki Award
Peggy Tosi

The International Candlepin Bowling Association is proud to
announce the
2008 Candlepin Bowling Hall of Fame Inductees.
Tim Lipke, Peter Flynn, Janet Poch, Dick O'Connell, Russ
Nealey, Mike Morgan, John Czernicki, Bob Fouracre
Dottie Lawruk, Maria Angelotti, accepting for Tom Morgan,
Linda Morgan

The International Candlepin Bowling Association is proud to
announce the
2005 Candlepin Bowling Hall of Fame Inductees.
Irene Valcourt, Edward Czernicki, Dan Ryan, Richard Smus,
Toni-Marie Baldinelli-Lopes, Kevin Cormier
Steve Vadney, Jack Ray, Charlie Milan III, Roly West
Competitive Ability |
Extraordinary Service and Sport
Contribution |
President's Cup |
The "President's Cup" is awarded to a person who has been deeply
involved and highly visible as a bowler, proprietor or industry leader.
Significant contribution to the game of Candlepins in any form is most
Stasia Czernicki ICBA Memorial Award |
We recognize the brilliant contributions Stasia Czernicki made
to the sport, not only as a competitor, but as a first-class human being. In
victory or defeat, she was always first to offer her hand in a show of true sportsmanship.
And it is this we wish to perpetuate with this award.
Telephone __________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________
State / Province __________________________
Date of Birth_______________ Birthplace _______________________________
High School _____________________________________
Graduated __________________
Prep School / College _________________________________
Graduated ______________
Marital Status __________________________
Name of spouse _______________________
Children's names and ages______________________________________________
Employment _________________________________________________________
Civic Participation / Hobbies _____________________________________________
If proposed nominee is deceased:
Year of death ________
Nearest Living Relative
Relation to deceased _____________________________
Address and telephone _________________________________________________
Select category for proposed nominee:
Competitive ability
Highs Single _________ High Triple _________ High Five _________ High Ten
_________ High Average _________
Current Average _________ #TV Appearances _________ # State Singles Wins
_________ # State Doubles Wins _________
# State Team Wins _________
List accomplishments in the candlepin game, including dates, scores, competitors
names, matches, tournaments, etc..
Please include documentation backing up information submitted. Newspaper
articles, programs, etc.
Extraordinary service:
List all contributions made to better the sport of candlepins, include committee
assignments, game innovations, leadership, etc.. Please include the number
of years involved in candlepin bowling.
If more space is needed you may include additional sheets. Please include a 5 x
7 black and white photograph. Applications must be complete in order to be
considered by the committee. All information received by the committee will be
held in complete confidence and shall become the property of the committee.
Person submitting nomination:
Please mail to:
International Candlepin Bowling Association
The Hall of Fame committee has scheduled the next Induction Dinner for
October 2014,
all applications should be submitted prior to March 1st 2014 for
consideration. If you know a potential candidate please contact the Managing
Director for more information. A minimum age of 50 must be reached by the
date of the induction ceremonies before any consideration will be given.
We are smoke free.
King Bowling Lanes
751 Mast Road
Manchester, NH 03102
(603) 623-9215


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